The firm has conducted over 900 Transportation impact analysis studies in the Puget Sound Region since beginning operations in 1976. In fact the principal was one of the pioneers in developing the approaches, techniques and terms that are currently used in Puget Sound Region Transportation impact analysis work.
Gateway Square, Seattle, WA. Transportation analysis for the development a mixed-use project located on the north side of S Dearborn St between 10th Ave S and 12th Ave S in the International District. The project included 3 commercial buildings totaling approximately 300,000 sf, 1 residential building totaling about 70,000 sf with up to 150 apartment units, and approximately 10,000 sf of ground floor commercial/retail use.
Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena EIS - Transportation, Spokane, WA. A 13,000 seat arena located adjacent to the existing coliseum. Twelve intersections for three peak periods (PM, Event Start, and Event End) were analyzed for this effort. Also analyzed was the parking demand and availability on-site and surrounding the site (up to 4-5 blocks), and pedestrian access plans.
High Park / Glacier Ridge (Lakemont / Montreaux), Bellevue, WA. A planned development of 500 multi-family, neighborhood shopping center, 876 single family homes. Controversial development necessitated analysis of numerous alternative development scenarios over a large area with impacts for 1992 and year 2000 conditions.
Harbour Pointe , Snohomish County Washington. A 2100 acre planned major community of residential commercial, industrial uses. Process involved travel model forecast generating some 90,000 daily vehicle trips. Project involved commercial development staging estimates, development of transportation forecast model, capacity analysis, recommended road sections for new roadways, and provisions of expert witness testimony. Project also involved continuing sector plan transportation assessment report updates as individual sector plan development progresses. Project pioneered the use of travel demand models for site development transportation impact analysis work in the Puget Sound Region.
Jefferson at Ballard, Seattle, WA. Transportation analysis for a proposed mixed-use residential/commercial development located on both sides of Leary Avenue NW between NW Market Street and 20th Avenue NW in the Port of Skagit County Site Development Transportation Analysis, Burlington, WA. Project included transportation analysis for the development of the Ports 41+ acres site located south of Pease Road and east of Burlington Boulevard. The study analyzed vehicular trip generation assumptions for the site compared to the employee densities from Port operations at the airport. In addition, the study analyzed near- and long-term roadway network configurations within and surrounding the site in order to determine the optimum roadway infrastructure.
McGarvey Park, King County, WA. Analysis of impacts of a large 600 unit single and multi-family subdivision in the Fairwood area of King County. Six alternative site access scenarios were analyzed and extensive neighborhood impact issues were investigated and residential transportation control solutions suggested/ recommended.