Snohomish Golf Estates, Snohomish County, WA. Prepared roadway illumination design including all electrical service along 157th Ave NE for several sag vertical curve sections. Also conducted detailed sight line evaluation through sag curves for appropriate illumination. In addition, project involved specifications for custom decorative luminaire fixtures and poles.
NE 160th St and 120th Ave NE (Haley’s Park), Bothell, WA. Prepared new roadway illumination and integration with existing lighting and circuitry. Also, prepared signal contingency plan in case of soil disturbance in the vicinity of the existing signal pole base.
Lakemont Boulevard and North Village Drive, Bellevue, WA. Prepared extensive lighting plan for the majority of Lakemont Boulevard and vast majority of North Village Drive. Design included all decorative square concrete poles with shoe box luminaries. A detailed analysis was required at the Lakemont Boulevard/ North Village Drive intersection for short pole heights and light screening preventative measures for neighboring residents.
All of the street lighting design projects involve PS&E for roadway illumination of various distances. Projects include: