Veterans Memorial Hospital Parking Analysis, Seattle Washington. Prepared exhaustive parking data collection for various periods of the day for both on-site and off-site impacts for existing conditions. Total existing parking supply of 1,650 on-site and approximately 400 off-site with some 475 additional stalls to be added in a proposed parking garage. Future conditions analysis included estimate of on and off-site demand and supply recommendations based on building expansions for two horizon years. Analysis identified supply and demand in 8 different zones on site and 18 different demand uses. Also developed parking demand curves by hour of day for Sunday through Saturday conditions. Study conducted as sub-consultant to national architectural firm.
Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena Traffic Impact and Parking Analysis, Spokane Washington. Project included detailed survey and analysis of on-site and off-site parking supply and demand under peak weekday, peak evening and off-peak events. Computer model was developed to facilitate analysis of circulation and parking demand impacts. 2000 on-site and 6,000 off-site stalls are included in the study. Project was completed with data collection and summarization assistance from Eastern Washington University planning students.
Parking Plan for Covenant Shores Retirement Community Campus, Mercer Island, Washington. Project included survey of existing parking supply, parking efficiency review, access design and parking layout for both on- and off-street parking.
Bellevue Public Library Parking Study, Bellevue Washington. Conducted a five-day study (recordings at one hour intervals between 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM) of parking utilization for a 270-stall parking facility located at the Bellevue Public Library. Data collection involved recording license plates for each stall on an hourly basis. Developed a computer program to match plates and determine parking duration and turnover. Study performed under the direction of the City of Bellevue.