Sound Transit East Link Light Rail Critique and Alternatives (8 miles), Bellevue and Redmond, Washington. Working with four neighborhood community groups, conducted extensive analysis of alternative proposals to the agencys preferred alignment which included extensive park and residential takings and other significant permanent impacts. Over four year period produced numerous papers and presentations for elected officials and boards at local, regional, and state level including expert witness testimony for legal challenge. Prepared three conceptually engineered alignments and cost estimates (all less costly) including a bored tunnel alignment that produced substantial savings accruing to tunneling technology advances.
High Occupancy Vehicle Facility Strategy Study for South 180th Street-Southwest 43rd Street-Carr Road-Petrovitsky Road Corridor (6 miles), South King County, Washington. Developed plan for arterial HOV facility needs including queue bypass lanes, exclusive lanes freeway ramp and intersection improvements, new Park-and-Ride lot, transit route modifications and marketing strategies for HOV alternatives.
Seattle Metropolitan Area Transit Plan, Puget Sound Council of Governments, Seattle, Washington. As Acting Director of PSCOG Transportation Planning Division, William Popp directed consultants during formation of the transit plan which established METRO as the transit operator. Assisted with agency and public review efforts. As member of follow-up interagency task force, identified immediate-action transit-related highway improvements such as SR 520 exclusive transit and car-pool lane (personal achievement), temporary park and ride lots.